
what is the best way to protect your skin from sun-related damage?

Q1. I've always had freckles, just I've noticed that an alarming number of new ones have popped upwards all over my face and breast. Could this exist a sign of sun damage or skin cancer?

Freckles ("ephelids") are a sign of previous sun exposure. While nigh freckles are not dangerous, they are an indication of sunday damage. Freckles develop when the skin produces more melanin paint in response to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. Think of this process as your skin's attempt to protect itself from farther sun damage. This is why freckles oft fade in the winter, then darken in the summer, when there's more sunlight.

Freckles are more mutual in blanched individuals, who tend to sunburn easily and have difficulty tanning, while those with olive or darker peel tones tin can tan easily and have fewer freckles. Freckles commonly begin appearing in babyhood on areas of the body that are nearly exposed to sunlight (like the face, breast, and artillery), and gradually accumulate over a lifetime of sun exposure.

A recent sunburn or visit to a tanning bed could trigger the onset of new freckles. In fact, freckles that appear later on a sunburn ("sunburn freckles") have been associated with an increased run a risk of melanoma skin cancer. These are most often establish on the chest and shoulders, and are larger and darker than the light brown freckles seen in childhood.

Any change in your freckles or moles could be a sign of pare cancer or a precancerous status, so I recommend a visit to your dermatologist, who can examine your new freckles and decide whether they need to be removed. In my office, I encourage my patients to have a complete peel examination at least once a yr for a baseline, and to come in sooner if they notice any changes in their skin, such as new growths or existing growths that are getting larger, darker, or crawling and/or bleed. Freckles or moles that show these changes may need to be removed and sent to a lab for a biopsy to make up one's mind whether they are malignant.

Q2. I need to buy sunscreen, just I'one thousand confused by all the options. How high an SPF do I really demand to protect my skin?

It's more important than ever to use the right dominicus protection. Similar y'all, a lot of my patients are dislocated by the many available sunscreens. Pricier department store products aren't necessarily better than drugstore brands — luckily, there are good options at any toll, merely you should know what features to look for.

Commencement, a quick lesson on SPF: SPF stands for sun protection factor, which is a measure out of the corporeality of fourth dimension yous can spend in the sun before getting a sunburn. For case, if you would normally fire after 10 minutes, a sunscreen with SPF 15 should let y'all to stay out for 150 minutes before burning. However, these numbers are measured in the lab, and at that place are many variables that reduce the actual corporeality of protection that most people get when they apply sunscreen in the real world. For case, nigh people don't use plenty (see number iii, below, to learn how much you should be using). Also, sunscreen can rub off on clothing, when you lot perspire, and of course, when you go in the h2o.

I pop misconception is that a higher SPF guarantees you're getting a stronger sunscreen. In fact, SPF only measures protection against UVB (burning) rays. For the best protection, your sunscreen should likewise protect against UVA (crumbling) rays, which accept been linked to melanoma skin cancers as well as wrinkles and other signs of sun damage.

Another myth is that using a sunscreen with twice the SPF gives y'all double the amount of sun protection. Actually, a sunscreen with SPF xxx just gives you 4 percent more than UVB (burn down) protection than one with SPF 15. One study showed that people who reapplied an SPF 15 sunscreen every three hours were less likely to sunburn than those who used an SPF thirty sunscreen and stayed out all day but didn't reapply.

To make sure you're adequately protected, you need to:

  1. Choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher.
  2. Look for ingredients such equally zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, or Mexoryl, which protect against UVA rays. Mexoryl, the newest FDA-approved sunscreen ingredient, can be found in Anthelios SX Daily Moisturizing Sunscreen Cream (available at drugstores) and Lancome UV Expert SPF twenty Sunscreen (sold in section stores). Helioplex, a patented combination of 2 ingredients that protect against UVA rays, is found in Neutrogena brand sunscreens. My patients with oily or acne-prone pare really like Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry out-Touch Sunblock SPF 55, which dries invisibly. If you take normal to dry out or sun-damaged pare, try Neutrogena Age Shield Sunblock SPF thirty, which doubles every bit a daily moisturizer.
  3. Make sure you employ enough sunscreen. Yous demand a tablespoon to cover your entire face up (including ears), and a shot drinking glass–sized amount to encompass the exposed areas of your body.
  4. Reapply sunscreen every 3 to iv hours, likewise as afterwards bathing or swimming.

Q3. My skin seems to suspension out more than in the summertime. Why is that, and is there anything I can do virtually it?

— Gia, Texas

Summertime heat, sweat, and humidity — combined with makeup and your skin's natural oils — can clog pores, leading to more breakouts than usual. If you lot ordinarily use a creamy cleanser, this is a good fourth dimension to switch to a gel face wash, which will leave your skin cleaner.

As always, be certain to launder your face at night, especially if you've been wearing makeup and sunscreen all day. Await for a cleanser that contains salicylic acid, which gets into the oil glands and helps unclog pores. Try L'Oreal Become 360 Clean Deep Facial Cleanser, which comes with a soft "scrublet" to assist remove sunscreen, makeup, and dirt.

Warmer weather is also a adept time to switch to lighter makeup. For a fresh summer wait, attempt swapping your heavier foundation for a tinted moisturizer, which helps fifty-fifty out your pare tone but won't expect or feel similar a mask on a hot, humid solar day. I similar Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer SPF 20 and Clinique Wet Sheer Tint SPF 15.

Summertime is also a adept time to re-evaluate your sunscreen routine. Some heavy, greasy sunscreens tin aggravate breakouts, then try a sheer, lightweight formula like Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Liquid Daily Sunblock SPF 70 or Clarins UV Plus Day Screen High Protection SPF 40, both of which dry out invisibly, leaving a matte finish. They're also both h2o-resistant, so they're perfect for active lifestyles and humid climates.

Oestrus and perspiration can also crusade breakouts on your body too as your face. If you've been sweating more than usual and accept itchy red bumps on your chest and back, you may have a condition called "miliaria" (also known as "prickly heat"). These bumps are caused past chock-full sweat glands, and typically go away on their own subsequently a week or two if you continue your skin cool and dry. In the meantime, try a mild over-the-counter cortisone cream (like Cortaid or Cortizone x) or a soothing lotion similar Caladryl Clear Anti-Itch Balm to help soothe the crawling.

Stay cool this summer!

Q4. I am 67 years old, and because I spent a lot of fourth dimension in the lord's day, my pare looks like an orange skin. Is there any vitamin or skin foam I can use to improve my skin? I am not looking for a transformation, simply a slight comeback.

— Marilynn, Illinois

Starting time and foremost, you lot should apply a sunblock, with an SPF of 15 or greater, every mean solar day. I believe that the higher the SPF gene, the better. Though virtually sun damage occurs in our youth, nosotros are still susceptible to pare changes every bit we age. Clinical studies take shown that the number of precancerous lesions amid your age group tin can exist reduced by daily application of sunblock.

Depending on the degree and type of sun damage to your peel, y'all might desire to consult with a dermatologist nearly possible treatment with 5-fluorouracil cream, which can treat precancerous changes of the skin and, an extra do good, may result in a rejuvenated facial advent.

The gold standard of treatment for the reversal of photoaging (crumbling of the skin due to sun exposure) is the utilise of vitamin A acid derivatives, such as retinoic acid and adapalene, in prescription preparations such as Retin-A, Renova, Tazorac, and Differin creams and gels and in over-the-counter preparations with retinol. Using these products may help reduce fine wrinkling and pigmentary changes and result in an overall brightening and smoothing of the pare. Glycolic acids take too been shown to better skin texture and fine wrinkling.

Now, with the advent of antioxidants such every bit vitamin C, green tea, berry extracts, coenzyme Q, peptides, and growth factors, a new generation of products is available for skin rejuvenation. Products containing these ingredients may exist obtained in college concentrations from your dermatologist. Cosmetics containing lesser concentrations are available in drugstores and section stores — for example, RoC Deep Wrinkle Serum, Oil of Olay Total Effects and Regenerist products, and Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Cream.

Larn more than in the Everyday Wellness Skin and Beauty Center.


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